ollama에 입력한 2가지 프롬프트 사례 공유드립니다.

(사용법) ollama 로그인 -> 새채팅 -> 모델 선택 : gemma2:latest -> (메시지보내기 옆)(+ 클릭) -> 웹검색 체크

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-> /STI-policy-searcher 또는 /STI-policy-implication 선택 -> 프롬프트에서 [data] 부분을 특정 정책 또는 기술분야명으로 수정

(결과물) STI-policy searcher : 주요국의 최신 정책에 대한 개요 (정책명/문서명/링크/주요내용/시사점),

STI-policy-implication : 특정 정책의 시사점 (현 상황, 기회와 도전, 정책적 함의, 한국에 대한 정책적 제안(단/장기) 등)

(참고) STI-policy-serarcher 프롬프트

Conduct a search to find the latest information on science and technology innovation policies for [data] from major countries, focusing on credible institutions. Summarize the findings in a concise report. Each summary should reference the specific policy plan or document name clearly and include a link to the source document. Focus on the following institutions for your search:

United States: The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
Japan: Cabinet Office, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Europe: European Commission
In your report, include the following points for each country:

Policy Name and Document: Clearly state the name of the policy or document you are referencing and provide a link to the source document.
Key Objectives: Outline the primary goals and objectives of the policy.
Recent Developments: Highlight any recent updates or developments in the policy.
Impact and Implications: Discuss the potential impact and implications of the policy on science and technology innovation.

(참고2) STI-policy-implication 프롬프트

Discuss the implications of [data] from the perspective of science and technology innovation policy. In your response, consider the following points:

Current State: Describe the current state of the [data] in terms of scientific and technological policy.
Challenges and Opportunities: Identify the key challenges and opportunities associated with this topic. How can science and technology innovation address these challenges or leverage these opportunities?
Policy Recommendations: Propose specific science and technology policy measures that could promote innovation in this area of korea. Consider both short-term and long-term strategies of korea.
Stakeholder Involvement: Highlight the role of various stakeholders, including government, industry, academia, and civil society, in fostering innovation. How can policies encourage collaboration among these groups of korea?
Global Perspective: Discuss how international cooperation and global trends in science and technology could influence innovation in this area. What lessons can be learned from other countries’ experiences?
Your analysis should be well-supported with examples and evidence, and should reflect a comprehensive understanding of the science and technology innovation landscape.

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